Do People Like Being Born Again?

Birthday vs Built-in-once more day

Why are Christians not jubilant their born-again twenty-four hour period instead of birthday?

Although I don't have anything against celebrating birthdays since at that place are no scriptures where God prohibits that. Nevertheless, there are some religious sects that don't celebrate birthdays. Some of their belief is because the only time birthday was mentioned in the bible something terrible happened to a prophet of God — Herod'south birthday marked the twenty-four hour period John the Baptist was beheaded which denote bad-day to them (Matthew 14:6–ix).

While on the surface their stand seems logical based on their inference from the bible, nonetheless, it'south non sufficient to condemn the commemoration of birthdays equally bad. The birthday celebration wasn't the reason John was killed but because Herod was drunk with vino and that could still take happened whatsoever other mean solar day.

That'south why Paul warned believers in the early on church building;

"Do not become drunk on wine, which leads to immoderacy. Instead, be filled with the Spirit." Ephesians five:18

Equally a Christian, the existent questions to ask yourself are;

Why practise I celebrate my birthday?

How do I celebrate my birthdays?

Do my actions on my birthday give honour to God?

The scriptures say;

"… whatsoever you do, do information technology all for the celebrity of God." (ane Corinthians ten:31)

Are you celebrating your birthday just to impress yourself or others? Or is it a day to award God in your life?

I believe celebrating birthdays is not against God'south control — your motive is what matters the most. However, I believe the LORD is more interested in you being born again than your first natural nascency.

What then is Born-again twenty-four hours?

Just equally it sounds, it means the twenty-four hour period yous become built-in over again. I believe it's a very important 24-hour interval to keep in remembrance but accept been neglected past many believers.

Our birthday signifies our initial birth into this world, which means it was the day we inherit the sinful nature from our kickoff parent (Adam and Eve).

The bible says in Romans five:12;

When Adam sinned, sin entered the world. Adam's sin brought death, so death spread to everyone, for everyone sinned.

How did it happen?

Outset, biologically every living thing reproduces its kind, for example, birds reproduce birds and not fish vice versa.

2nd, Jesus said in John 3:vi;

"Mankind gives birth to mankind, but the Spirit gives nascence to spirit."

Third, Jesus also said in Matthew 7:eighteen;

"A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit."

The above verses requite a elementary explanation of why we inherited the sinful nature of Adam and Eve. We are all the seed of Adam based on our initial nascency into this world.

Birthdays remind usa of our inherited sinful nature (the flesh) from Adam.

While born again-twenty-four hour period reminds the believer of their eternity destination. As Paul wrote in Philippians three:13–14;

"Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus."

What does it really hateful to exist born again?

The term born once again tin also be translated every bit born from in a higher place, Jesus was the beginning to use the term in the gospel of John;

Jesus answered and said to him, "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born once again he cannot run across the kingdom of God." (John 3:3)

You lot can be a believer and not exist born again, in fact, at that place are many professing believers who are non born over again. Notwithstanding, you tin can't be a true Christian and not be born once again.

A Christian but mean Christ-like — the sinful nature can't exist Christ-like except information technology be crucified on the cross and you're reborn with the nature of Jesus Christ. This is non almost theology it is a existent meaning experience for all true Christians. Although this experience differs from person to person the outcome is the same — a new creation.

It is important to note that, your born-once again mean solar day is non the twenty-four hour period you said the sinner'southward prayer in the church or past another laic nor the day you became baptised (except if you accept already repented and surrendered to the saviour of your soul).

Yous're not born once more because we were raised by Christian parents who took you to church regularly — y'all don't inherit born-once again nature from your earthly parents.

While you accept the advantage to be raised by born over again parents who most likely influence your belief in God. Notwithstanding, it'south a conclusion you take to make past yourself and for yourself.

False conversions are very rampant in the Church building today, many believe they are saved because they attend church regularly and have a sure ticket to heaven.

Many false converts in the church building today just recite the sinner'southward prayer for example, "Oh Lord, I accept I'k a sinner, I'm distressing for all my sins and I accept Jesus as my Lord and Saviour who died for my sins." And they are baptised and that is it, later, they go along in their sinful lifestyle the only change they experience is to be a member of a church where they serve. Outside the church, they're just like the residuum of the earth.

Truthful repentance leads to conservancy, which nascence the new creation. You lot can't indulge in repetitive sins and yous still claim to be built-in again, never!

No one who is born of God will continue to sin, because God's seed remains in them; they cannot go on sinning, considering they have been built-in of God. (ane John 3:9)

This scripture clearly tells the states the evidence of being born once again. Information technology has nothing to practise with church omnipresence or activity but dominion over sin.

Many believers continue in sin because they aren't truly born again, because to be born once again is to be led past the Spirit of God. How tin the Spirit lead you in sin when He came to free you from sin?

because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has ready you lot free from the law of sin and death. Romans viii:2

When the scriptures say y'all're free from sin indeed you're — this is the kickoff miracle of the new birth.

"For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God." Romans eight:14

What about water baptism equally being built-in-once more?

The challenge of making h2o baptism the day you were born once again is because most believers undergo water baptism equally a church ritual without understanding its significance. During baptism, most believers just went through water cleansing without receiving the Holy Spirit thereafter.

The scriptures clearly tell the states both water and the Spirit is needed to be born again. However, both tin can happen the same day just equally it happened in the firm of Cornelius;

"Surely no one can stand up in the style of their being baptized with water. They have received the Holy Spirit simply every bit we have." — Acts 10:47

What does it take to exist born again?

To be born again is to take upwardly the nature of Christ by following the His words in Luke 9:23;

"Then he said to them all, "If anyone wants to be my follower, you must deny yourself, take upwards your cross daily, and follow me."

A born-again Christian is intentional about his walk with Jesus daily and he bears the fruit of righteousness.

At present, permit's look at the key differences between birthday and born-again day.

Obviously, the significance of a built-in-again day far exceeds that of a altogether, then why not celebrate the fourth dimension, you put off your sinful nature and put on the nature of Christ? Every believer should be excited to come across the kingdom of God, and you can't with your natural nascence except beingness born-once again.

Jesus replied, "I tell you the truth, unless you are born again, yous cannot see the Kingdom of God." — John 3:3 NLT


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